Welcome to

Academic Credit Registration

For Non Degree-Seeking Students

How to Register

Registration process for non-degree students registering through the Non-Degree Services at the Office of the Registrar.

  1. Review registration policies for non-degree students on the next page
  2. When you are done with step-1, proceed to create your login and password. If you are a returning user, simply login.
    Note: Your NetId and password won't work.
  3. Once you login, choose the right semester and course from the list of courses offered
  4. After selecting the course, complete the online form to submit your official registration

If you have any questions during this process, please contact Non-Degree Services at ndregistration@illinois.edu.

Non-degree registration opens for:
Summer 2025 semester - April 21st at 8am CST.

Want to Register for Non-Degree Academic Credit?

Review Policies before Registration